Action To Defending

Hello world peace lovers! Do you know about the warm and meaningful solidarity action for Palestine? Come on, check out the interesting information about the action to defend Palestine and raise funds in the Monas area in this article. Let’s learn more about the conflict between Palestine and Israel together and the positive impact of caring for the Indonesian people!

History of Palestine and Conflict with Israel

Palestine, a land rich in history and culture, has long been at the center of conflict with Israel. This conflict is rooted in sovereignty claims over the same territory by both parties. Palestine has historical significance for Muslims as the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, while Israel views it as the “Land of Promise” in Jewish tradition.

The history of the conflict between Palestine and Israel cannot be separated from the events of the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, which is also known as the Nakba or “Great Disaster”. This caused millions of Palestinians to flee and lose their rights to their ancestral lands. Wars then erupted between the two countries, including the Six Day War in 1967 and the First Intifada in the early 1980s.

This conflict is increasingly complex with Israel’s illegal colonization of Palestinian territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Human rights violations continue to be reported in the region, worsening conditions for the Palestinian people as a whole. With this long history full of tragedy, peace efforts are still a hope for both parties to find a just solution for the survival of life together in the Middle East.

The reason for holding an action to defend Palestine in the Monas area

The reason for holding the action to defend Palestine in the Monas area is as a form of solidarity and support for the Palestinian people who are experiencing suffering due to the conflict with Israel. The community feels concerned about the humanitarian conditions in Palestine, so they unite to speak out for justice.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has been going on for decades, claiming lives and damaging the country’s infrastructure and economy. The action to defend Palestine is a concrete manifestation that the Indonesian people care about the fate of our Muslim compatriots there.

Fundraising was also carried out in this action to provide assistance to the Palestinian people in need. Moral solidarity is not only enough with words, but also requires concrete actions such as providing direct assistance to those affected by conflict.

The morality of upholding human values ​​is the basis of this action to defend Palestine. The spirit of mutual cooperation and concern for fellow humans without discrimination is the main basis of this movement. By joining hands, we can give hope for a better future to the Palestinian people who are struggling for peace and justice.

The aim of the Action to Defend Palestine

The aim of the action to defend Palestine in the Monas area on June 9 2024 is not only to express solidarity, but also as a form of moral and spiritual support to the Palestinian people who continue to struggle in the conflict with Israel.

Through this action, the Indonesian people want to voice their rejection of the violence and destruction experienced by our brothers and sisters in Palestine. The main goal is to strengthen global awareness of the need for peace and mobilize humanitarian aid for war victims.

By gathering together in action to defend Palestine, the participants also aim to provide political support to the Indonesian Government to actively participate in mediating the conflict between Palestine and Israel in order to create stability and peace in the Middle East. Hopefully, through this collaborative effort, it can provide new hope for a better future for the Palestinian people.

Results from Fundraising in the Monas Area

Fundraising in the Monas Area for Palestine has produced extraordinary results! Thanks to the active participation of the Indonesian people, the number of donations continues to increase significantly.

 The funds collected will be used to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people who are experiencing difficulties due to the conflict with Israel. Every donation has great meaning for those in need.

The solidarity and empathy of the Indonesian people is reflected in this financial support. The spirit of mutual cooperation and concern for others was very strong during the fundraising action.

Not just donating materially, participation in fundraising also reflects our morality and social concern as humans. By actively participating in this action, we are also responding to the humanitarian call with real action.

Indonesian Government Policy Regarding the Palestine-Israel Conflict

The Indonesian government has consistent in supporting peace efforts between Palestine and Israel. By placing morality and justice as the basis, Indonesia continues to try to mediate this long-standing conflict in the Middle East.

Through the action to defend Palestine and raise funds in the Monas area on June 9 2024, the Indonesian people also provided real support to the Palestinian people who are experiencing suffering due to the armed conflict with Israel. Hopefully this solidarity can bring new hope for peace in the region.

Thus, let us continue to maintain the spirit of togetherness and commitment to always be a voice for global peace, including in resolving the conflict between Palestine and Israel. United we stand firm, help our brothers and sisters in Palestine for a better future!